Monday, November 22, 2010

Go Go Moosezilla

"I sat next to her once, thought she was beautiful, and I think she's very happy in Alaska," Bush said, before adding, "and I hope she'll stay there."

That's from Barbara Bush, folks. Like her or hate her, she's a pretty classy broad, and she makes a firm point while keeping her manners in check. It's begun, Moosezilla is on her way out. Now, all we can do is hope she takes out as many of the brainless followers as possible. I laughed out loud when I read it, and I know I wasn't alone.

The only reason Larry King kept a straight face is because he's Larry King. This is going to be too good to miss.

[UPDATE: Zandar]  Don't believe Palin's going to run?  She's already making her "liberal media" hit list of people she refuses to do interviews with, starting with Katie Couric.

You think CBS is going to keep Couric on if Palin wins in 2012?  In the universe inside Palin's head, she's already having the Tiffany Network fire her ass.


  1. If all it takes to get useless stupid liberals to leave our country for good is your horrified reaction to Sarah Palin winning in 2012 then I'm going to do everything in my power to see that happen!

  2. This quote by sp from that story is epic in its misuse of the English language:

    "I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree. I studied journalism, who, what, where, when, and why of reporting,"

    Shit like that is stunning, she is amazingly dumb and people LOVER HER for it! How can that be? It's like watching a poorly written satire become an actual event.

    Wait a minute... this all sounds suspicious. Could there be a puppet master, a mentor, or star chamber somewhere? Someone or something with more sinister intentions?

  3. That would be the same "classy broad" who viciously bullied and abused everyone around her, who publicly insulted a woman light-years more accomplished by calling her something "that rhymes with witch" and who personally inflicted on the nation the soul-less freak she should have aborted.

    Not my definition of "classy."
