Monday, November 29, 2010

Last Call

Assange's next WikiLeaks target is supposedly a major US bank.

In an interview with Forbes, Julian Assange says his next target will be an American bank.

"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," he said. "For this, there's only one similar example. It's like the Enron emails."

"It could take down a bank or two," he said.

Errm, Julian, bro...these guys have basically screwed the American public out of trillions and have essentially gotten away with it.  What are you sitting on that's so nasty?  CEOs calling each other jerks?  Helicopter Ben getting smashed out of his mind with the Goldman boys? 

Unless it's Jamie Dimon buying dozens of massive Dodge Ram trucks just to extract the Hemi engine blocks so he can lift them by helicopter and try to drop them on cardboard boxes full of shelter kittens for points, it's not going to matter much.   I'd like to see these cards.


  1. Be positive, Zandar! I'm excited about the possibilities; it's something to look forward to, in these days of so little to look forward to.

  2. Well, The Daily Beast (take with implied large grain of salt) says Assange is sitting on the hard drive of a Bank of America executive. If he's not just being cagey, that really might have a bombshell on it.

    (via Gawker)
