Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Something To Be Thankful For

Even in the US county with the highest median income, Loudoun County, Virginia, Americans are facing a hard holiday season.

Although the unemployment rate in the area is lower than the national average, federal agencies say hunger and poverty here are on the rise.

The rate of those experiencing "food insecurity" - a government term for those unsure where their next meal may be coming from - has risen from 8 percent to 9.2 percent in Virginia, from 12 to 13 percent in the District and from 9 to 11 percent in Maryland, according to U.S. Agriculture Department estimates released this month.

At the Shabach Ministries "empowerment center" in a fraying neighborhood in Landover, a tiny three-bedroom house is stuffed to the bursting point with canned goods and other provisions. The group - the community services arm of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden - gave away groceries to 2,100 residents just four years ago. This year, it will provide help to more than 10,000, another record, said Cynthia Terry, the group's president.

Gwen Pope, the empowerment center's manager, said she has begun seeing a new clientele: the formerly affluent. They have burned through their savings and 401(k) accounts and are just now seeking help.

"You have people driving up in brand-new luxury cars," Pope said, "and they are sleeping in those cars. They are looking for foods that have pop tops to them because they are homeless." 

My problem with a lot of conservatives is that since they believe America is the most exceptional, blessed, entitled country on Earth, anyone in America who isn't making it big must be suffering because they are immoral people, unworthy of help that will make them lazy, dependent parasites.

Bad things are caused by bad people in this neo-Puritanical worldview.  If someone you know lost their job and are on unemployment and can't find a job, it's their fault...if you lose your job, it's the fault of the clearly immoral minority or woman who does have a job.

Or, you simply ignore it altogether.  Loudoun County doesn't have any homeless.  Not here, in America's wealthiest county by median income.  If you're winning, screw them.  If you're losing, bring them down to your level, then screw them.

I'm pretty damn thankful I have what I do have:  a job, a place to live, family and friends, a place to vent my frustrations and make observations.

How'd we get so cynical?


  1. I'm thankful that you're on vacation and proving to the rest of the desk that the place runs better without you here. Don't think she hasn't noticed, either. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to come back if I were you...

  2. So you're thankful you're a douchebag. Natch. Man, it's not like we've been here already.

    Me, I'm not really thankful for much. I'm kinda thankful for the fact that I have a place to live, but... oh well.
