Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tell Them What They've Won, Rand

Congrats, fellow Kentuckians.  Here's what you've won for the next six years:

"Well, the thing is, we’re all interconnected. There are no rich. There are no middle class. There are no poor. We all are interconnected in the economy. You remember a few years ago, when they tried to tax the yachts, that didn’t work. You know who lost their jobs? The people making the boats, the guys making 50,000 and 60,000 dollars a year lost their jobs. We all either work for rich people or we sell stuff to rich people. So just punishing rich people is as bad for the economy as punishing anyone. Let’s not punish anyone. Let’s keep taxes low and let’s cut spending."

In Rand Paul's magical egalitarian utopia, we're all the same.  There's no difference between Kentucky's poorest rural mountain counties and those in the affluent suburbs of Louisville, Lexington, and south of Cincy.  We all exist to serve the rich people that Rand Paul just said aren't really rich.  Either Rand is saying "you're all serfs now" or this guy is a few letters short of a bowl of Alpha-Bits...or both.

So when Paul votes to eliminate spending that goes to Kentucky citizens because we all serve rich people and those people need to stay rich, ergo you have to suffer, remember that you had a choice.

New tag for the next six years at least:  Don't Blame Me I Voted For Jack Conway. 

I'm going to get quite a bit out of this one, my fellow serfs.


  1. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    But I guess that's lost on you because you're still waiting for the government to fix the problem instead of improving your life.

    Here's the problem with 100% of liberal bloggers like yourself: If you spent a fraction of the time you do on this blog ranting about conservatives and mentally masturbating and instead worked on bettering yourself through education and effort, you'd not need the government to help you.

    You'd also spare us yet another poorly written collection of garbage vomited forth in a vain daily effort to change the world.

    Change yourself instead. Quit this shitty blog, go jog around the block every day instead, or read somebody who's not a liberal blogger, or take some classes. You'll be much happier in life.

    Go pursue your happiness. Wallowing in your misery here just isn't healthy.

  2. PS. Your friends are really, really sick and tired of you passing yourself off as some sort of intellectual just because you're a political blogger.

    You're not altogether bright, frankly. Go improve yourself. You need it.

  3. Yes yes, you're Very Very Concerned, and Very Very Serious. We get it.

  4. You know, you really do have to step back and just stop a moment to admire the tenacity and perspicacity with which it embodies The Stupid. The commitment it takes to sustain this kind of creepy Carl Paladino zombie malevolence. Really, really impressive.

  5. in ur blog and stinkin' it up with my lousy opinions...November 4, 2010 at 6:25 AM

    If you spent a fraction of the time you do on this blog ranting about conservatives and mentally masturbating and instead worked on bettering yourself through education and effort, you'd not need the government to help you.

    so, a guy who wastes a lot of his time pointlessly trolling a liberal blog is advising Z to do something more useful with his life.

    and for some reason, he's advising Z to (at least this is what it sounds like) get off welfare.

    the idea that one short post could contain so much obvious self-contradiction and overt racism boggles the mind.

    i don't miss wafflez the way some of you guys seem to, but i have to admit even he was above pathetic crap like the post above. honestly, i almost feel sorry for this guy.

  6. So when Paul votes to eliminate spending that goes to Kentucky citizens...

    Stop right there. Rich people, when they aren't getting taxed to death, do actually spend money to go to people like Kentucky citizens who aren't rich, putting those citizens to work. When government takes (steals) money from "the rich" to give to those who aren't, all the government has done is made both the rich person and the not-so-rich person poorer; the rich person has less of their own money to invest in business (and the labor that goes with it) and the not-so-rich person's finances are at the mercy of the state instead of their own talent.

    I'm a small business owner, but I also work at a regular job, which makes up the bulk of my income; I wouldn't be a small business owner if I didn't have that job. Ergo, I don't feel as if I'm serving "the rich" when I work at my regular job since it's helped me to get where I am today financially. Don't you work for a living? When you work, do you feel as if you are serving "the rich"? And if you do, isn't that your problem? And as far as unemployment, doesn't it make sense to have the government provide business with the opportunity, via tax cuts and sensible regulations, to provide employment? Trillions in government borrowing sure ain't doing the job.

  7. Right.

    Because taxes are just stealing from people and they disappear into the ether and citizens provide no benefit from it.

    Even though Kentucky receives $1.51 for every dollar they pay in taxes. Because roads, schools, bridges, police, firefighters, teachers, county sheriffs, maintenance, sanitation and all that are free, and the people in Kentucky complaining the loudest are those on Medicare, because they really do believe that's free.

    Rand Paul figures that $1.51 is too much.

    You're also assuming that business owners do everything they can to pass that money back into the system, but government does nothing.

    You're just as dense as Paul is.

  8. Because he has too much free time to rant on his shitty blog here, if he's not on government assistance now, he soon will be...

  9. "Even though Kentucky receives $1.51 for every dollar they pay in taxes."

    And directly because of that Kentucky remains one of the poorest states in the nation and has been for decades.

    Why is my tax money paying for you hillbilly assholes?

    Keynesian economics. It works!

  10. Zandar nailed this one. This viewpoint is shared by those who feel privileged and above the "common" man. Rand doesn't suffer, so suffering doesn't exist. This naive and narrow point of view is a glaring example of what's missing in government. It's a little thing called perspective.

  11. Because taxes are just stealing from people and they disappear into the ether and citizens provide no benefit from it.

    There you go, misconstruing what I said. I said nothing about taxes, but over-taxation. But you're right about one thing; much of the money the government receives does go into the ether, far more than if kept in the private sector, since politicians and government bureaucrats are the least accountable people in this country.

    Even though Kentucky receives $1.51 for every dollar they pay in taxes.

    That's federal dollars. What you don't mention is that there are about 20 other states that get far less than a dollar in order for Kentucky and other states to get more. Is that fair and equal? And look at those items; every one of them is a local issue, not federal.

    ...and the people in Kentucky complaining the loudest are those on Medicare, because they really do believe that's free.

    Gee, I wonder why. It could be that the Democrats who passed it 45 years ago promised those now benefiting from Medicare that the service would be available. But instead of actually trying to fix things, Democrats are blaming Republicans for the Democrats' failings. How typical.

    You're also assuming that business owners do everything they can to pass that money back into the system, but government does nothing.

    It isn't business's job to pass money back into the system, if you know anything about business. It's to make a profit. Period. Passing the money back into the system is a benefit of a business's existence, which includes purchasing, hiring workers, etc. Another benefit is that those working for the business pay taxes; the more people who work, the more tax money received by the government. Take that money away via higher taxes, unnecessary fees, or burdensome regulations means the less capability the business has of hiring more people, and the government gets less tax revenue. It isn't those who know something about business who are dense; it's liberals who keep engaging in Marxist class warfare who still haven't figured it out yet.

    If anything, it isn't Rand Paul who is promoting serfdom, it's liberals like you who are doing so, saying that the American people simply exist to serve and pay for government. That is serfdom.

  12. You should be Paul's spokesman. I haven't heard such a mountain of drivel and FOX News talking points since...the last time Rand Paul opened his mouth.

    Let's not forget how America got into the mess we're in now: the masters of the free market took the weak regulatory environment, decided as you do that the only thing that mattered was profit, and then stuck the American taxpayer with a multi-trillion dollar bill when their shell games blew up in their faces.

    And yet government is the enemy. Classic.

    You're practically a caricature.

  13. The coolest part about Paultards, other than their sociopathic narcissism, is how the existence of any space on the interwebs where their beliefs are not worshipped drives them insane.

    There can be no reference to the fucktarded racist basis of their pathetic failed ideology.

    It must be crushed and destroyed and the people who do it must be hunted down, their careers destroyed and probably assassinated as well.

    Especially the black ones.

  14. You should be Paul's spokesman.

    Thank you.

    I haven't heard such a mountain of drivel and FOX News talking points since...the last time Rand Paul opened his mouth.

    As opposed to what, the lie that is the Alinskyite Marxism that "liberals", like yourself, vomit up at a moment's notice? Take your next sentence:

    Let's not forget how America got into the mess we're in now: the masters of the free market took the weak regulatory environment, decided as you do that the only thing that mattered was profit, and then stuck the American taxpayer with a multi-trillion dollar bill when their shell games blew up in their faces.

    There is no free market. You even admit it since you say there is a regulatory environment. Where you are wrong is saying it was weak; it wasn't weak, it was a classic example of government allowing the bubble to be created. And the American people wouldn't be saddled a multi-trillion dollar bill if government, mostly liberal Democrats, hadn't spent the last two plus years bailing out this and that with borrowed money that has to be paid back by generations of taxpayers.

    And yet government is the enemy. Classic.

    We conservatives don't believe government is the enemy. We just don't worship government or the people in government as gods like liberals do.

    You're practically a caricature.

    At least I'm not one, unlike liberals.

  15. "As opposed to what, the lie that is the Alinskyite Marxism that "liberals", like yourself, vomit up at a moment's notice?"

    as opposed to the tired libertarian nonsense that assholes like you vomit up at a moment's notice.

    "We conservatives don't believe government is the enemy. We just don't worship government or the people in government as gods like liberals do."

    sure, you have your own gods. you guys have milton friedman and a host of other thinkers whose writings and theories you revere. that's what i hate most about people like you. not what you believe (odious as most of it is), but your ridiculous insistence that there's something original or praiseworthy about you doing exactly what you criticize others for. you haven't got an original idea in your fucking head, so stop yammering about how unoriginal all liberals are.

