Thursday, December 9, 2010

Also They Are Responsible For Unimaginably Horrendous Cootie Rampages

Congress really does need to pass some sort of law that selects an American in a process like jury duty and gives them a foam bat to smack the hell out of people when they say completely moronic crap like this.

Bryan Fischer, the "Director of Issues Analysis" for the conservative Christian group the American Family Association, wrote on his blog this week that gays -- not Julian Assange -- are responsible for the thousands of government documents released by Assange's WikiLeaks.

More specifically, Fischer assumes that the alleged WikiLeaks source Private Bradley Manning was "at minimum" seriously confused about his sexuality. He then really stretches things when he suggests that Manning leaked the documents to wage war on the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
In Fischer's own words:
Regardless, he is a one-man argument for keeping open homosexuals from serving in the military in the first place. If the 1993 law - which flatly prohibits homosexuals from a place in the armed services - had been followed, there would be no PFC Bradley Manning and no WikiLeaks.
Apparently Fischer isn't the only one who feels this way. Ann Coulter also wrote last week that Manning's supposed homosexuality is to blame for his alleged decision to leak the documents, calling him a "poster boy" for Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

To recap, the only possible motive Bradley Manning could have to leak things to Julian Assange and company is...he's gay.  Because everyone who thinks DADT should be repealed is secretly gay, obviously.

You know, two-thirds of America. All of them, closet cases.

Also, cooties that can completely disable the most powerful military on earth.

The mind of a wingnut is a frightening place.  That probably explains why they work so hard to change the world around them to match.  I'm really kind of disappointed it wasn't somehow our seekrit mooslim Kenyan dictator's fault, you know?

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