Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Bank With "Principles"

Just so you know how scared of the WikiLeaks threat the financial sector is right now, Bank of America will no longer process donations for Julian Assange's group of agitators.

Bank of America Corp. has joined several other financial institutions in refusing to handle payments for WikiLeaks.

With its announcement, the Charlotte-based bank joins a fray that has ratcheted financial pressure on the website that released thousands of secret U.S. diplomatic cables, but has also prompted cyber attacks on businesses that cut ties with the activist site. The move comes as WikiLeaks says it's preparing a release of information on banks, which could include documents it says it has on Bank of America.

The Charlotte-based bank released a statement Saturday saying it will no longer process any transactions that it believes are intended for the site.

"This decision is based upon our reasonable belief that WikiLeaks may be engaged in activities that are, among other things, inconsistent with our internal policies for processing payments," the bank said.

Translation:  "We control the money, Julian.  And we're shutting you down.  Try getting help when we lock out your accounts and refuse to process your payments.  Leaking information takes money, and we're going to starve you to death."

This war is well and truly joined.  No matter how you feel about WikiLeaks, the fact that major world banks are uniting to wipe it off the planet should terrify any citizen with a bank account or credit card.

They see WikiLeaks as such as existential threat they are scrambling to cut it off all income and donations and starve it out.  That speaks volumes...the same banks that continue engaging in possibly trillions in mortgage fraud have declared war on WikiLeaks.

Be afraid.

[UPDATE] WikiLeaks is fighting back.

In classic form, WikiLeaks has sent out a message on Twitter related to Bank of America.
Does your business do business with Bank of America? Our advise is to place your funds somewhere safer.

Touche', gentlemen.

1 comment:

  1. Of course it has nothing to do with the statement that Wikileaks has some veeeeeery interesting info on BoA right now. Not at all. Just their patriotic duty at shutting down filthy commie spies.
