Thursday, December 30, 2010

By The Time I Get To Arizona, Part 13

The mastermind behind Arizona's War On The Brown kicks it into high gear as voters have rewarded GOP State Senator Russell Pearce as the President of the Arizona Senate.  Pearce, you'll remember, is the racist assclown behind Arizona's "Papers, Please" immigration law.  Now he's making good on his campaign pledge to revoke the citizenship of children born in the US to undocumented parents.

His plan is to pass such a blatantly unconstitutional law that it forces a Supreme Court ruling on the 14th Amendment.

PEARCE: Well, because we have about 18 states that have joined us in this effort, a coalition of 18 states that agree with us. Others do, too. They just don`t think they can pass it through their congress or -- I mean, their legislative bodies.

So we actually have the majority of Americans on this issue on our side, too. The polls show 62 percent to 70 percent of Americans know that birthright citizenship is unconstitutional, that the practice ought to be stopped.

What you`re doing, you are inducing -- it is against the law to enter the United States in violation of federal law. And it`s against law to remain here without permission. And yet we induce you to break the law. It is absolutely outrageous. The common sense...

Amazing.   And of course, the next step is to round up and deport all undocumented people in the country.   Hey, can you prove your parents were US citizens when you were born here?  Better hope you can in Russell Pearce's world.  He's been planning this for a while, hoping the "activist judges" of the Supreme Court will validate their hate-filled viewpoint as law.

Republicans continue to shift towards being the party of "screw you, minorities."  They are so afraid of Latinos that they are willing to try to rewrite the Constitution to get rid of them.

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