Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting In The Chrismoose Spirit

As Sarah Palin makes a book tour stop here in Cincy today, here's a reminder of how she treats the media covering her publicity maneuvers.

CNN's Jim Acosta and his camera crew were invited to attend a Palin book signing in a Spirit Lake, Louisiana Wal-Mart. But one of Palin's handlers put a hand in front of the camera before Acosta could finish his questions.

The Queen Moose does not answer your questions, peon.

Acosta asked Palin for a reply to Mitt Romney's comment on the Tonight Show that he wouldn't have quit his job as governor of Massachusetts like Palin did in Alaska.

"It's hard to imagine a circumstance where I'd have quit," Romney had told Jay Leno. "It's a great job. I loved it. But [Palin] had her reasons."

As the loud music returned to the book signing, an unhappy Palin answered the question about Romney's comments. "He probably had some different conditions," she said.

Before Acosta could get out another question, one of Palin's handlers put a hand in front of the camera and the CNN crew was forced to leave.

It's not like this is the first time this has happened, either.   If Palin is asked questions by the media (and remember she invited them to her book signing in the first place) well then that's unacceptably intrusive on the woman making a national public book publicity tour.  Thne of course the media isn't doing its job by asking tough questions of President Obama, like where his birth certificate is.  Merry Christmas.

Looking forward to seeing everyone but FOX, Newsmax, and World Net Daily kicked out of Palin's press conferences in the future.

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