Saturday, December 18, 2010

Overreaction Attraction Action

Here's what opponents of DADT repeal say will happen as a result of today's vote.  Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association predicts the end of America:

Character-driven officers and chaplains will eventually be forced out of the military en masse, potential recruits will stay away in droves, and re-enlistments will eventually drop like a rock.

The draft will return with a vengeance and out of necessity. What young man wants to voluntarily join an outfit that will force him to shower naked with males who have a sexual interest in him and just might molest him while he sleeps in his bunk?

This isn’t a game, and the military should never be used, as is now being done, for massive social re-engineering. The new Marine motto: “The Few, the Proud, the Sexually Twisted.” Good luck selling that to strong young males who would otherwise love to defend their country. What virile young man wants to serve in a military like that?

If the president and the Democrats wanted to purposely weaken and eventually destroy the United States of America, they could not have picked a more efficient strategy to make it happen.

Rarely can you point to a moment in time when a nation consigned itself to the scrap heap of history. Today, when the Senate normalized sexual perversion in the military, was that moment for the United States. If historians want a fixed marker pointing to the instant the United States sealed its own demise, they just found it.

Quite interesting.  Well, by that "logic" anyone who doesn't immediately signal their intent to quit the military must be a closet case lurking with the intent to destroy America with gay sex.  I wonder how long it will take before the Right Wing declares war on the Pentagon?  Will they defund the Defense Department to stop men showing either other their rifles?  Will the Republicans introduce legislation to stop women hiding in the bush?  Will our now eternally tainted military become Pubic Enemy #1.

How long before Republicans sing the praises of conscientious objectors who are bravely refusing to serve in war because of gay cooties?  Surely if the draft is inevitable, these manly patriots will join the military in order to save the civilian population, right?

I mean it's not like these guys are a bunch of chickenhawks who are trying to score lame political points by demonizing our LGBT loved ones, yes?

Perish the thought.


  1. Brian Fischer... I have heard that name before. where have I heard that name before...

    (cue flashback shimmering shot, and harp chord)


    Wikileaks is all the fags fault.
    I had heard that embarassing the U.S. government via wikileaks was in 2010's Gay Agenda, but I still don't get my copy of it, despite being the B part of LGBT. Maybe I'm not gay enough?

    No more mosques because they generate terrorists.
    No comment on the amount of vespene gas required to build a terrorist.

    Campbells is making 'halal' soups that turn will make people into terrorists and hate christians or something.
    And here I was thinking that 'halal' was the Islamic version of 'kosher'. Still... hey, Credibility Problem, I invoke halal at you. You are now a christian-hating muslim terrorist.
    (As to why I am able to 'invoke halal', I am an athiest, which is the same as muslim since we hate everything christ and all that shit. I'm an honorary muslim.)

    Gays in the military means HIV epidemic.
    Because the only good blood is fresh off the tap, not even tested for, you know, various diseases. Also, there were no gays in the military before DADT was repealed.

    The Nazis were all gay. Hitler was gay.
    I'm sure Eva Braun (you know, Hitler's girlfriend and later, if only for a short time before they committed suicide together, wife) was surprised to learn this.

    Muslims must be barred from the military because they'll kill us.
    Also, they're probably gay. And Nazis. Because they were gay.


    (cue shimmering shot and another harp chord)

    Oh, that Brian Fischer! I remember now! Such hijinks we had!

    Looks like he's still at it, the wacky boy!

    Seriously though, it's long been proven that this guy is a moron. But then, so is the rest of the American Family Association. Color me surprised.

    Surprised is a lovely shade of mauve, right?

  2. If they refuse to serve because it means cohabitation with the Ghey, how will they experience the righteous rapturous joy of extreme blowing-shit-up that only the military can provide?

    It's a quanadry.

    (Assuming arguendo that the controls on the sales of Ryder trucks, ammonium nitrate and dragster fuel have been appropriately tightened up..)
