Friday, December 17, 2010

Taking Stock

Bob Cesca puts into words how I feel this month.

You've probably noticed a lull in the volume of blog entries here. If so, you're not imagining things. I've been busy with work and travel, but also, I've been feeling especially disillusioned with progressives these days -- more so than usual -- as evidenced by the content of my Huffington Post column this week.

That said, I thought the blowback from the column would be significantly more vocal and angry. As it turns out, the level of support and kudos have far outweighed the negative mail. And of the dissenters, not one has been able to show me a quote from the president supporting this notion that the president thinks tax cuts create jobs. On the other side of the coin, it's clear that I'm not the only one who's disillusioned by all of the whining and non-reality-based petulance.

Like I said a couple weeks back, I've found myself looking for my firebagger card on more than a couple of occasions here in December.   Probably the usual holiday blahs I get, so it's good that news will most likely be light over the next 2-3 weeks.  I don't think I can take too much more in the Wacky Democratic Fun department.

I know the Dems can fight.  I've seen them do it.  The problem is I've seen them fold a lot more, and even I'm getting sick of trying to find the silver lining in this F4 tornado.


  1. Zandar's Credibility ProblemDecember 17, 2010 at 12:33 PM

    Maybe the weight of your sins is bearing down on your soul after all.

    What happens to the HOPENCHANGE puppet when he finally sees the strings attached?

    Does he have the intellectual courage to cut himself free of the lies of liberalism?

    Or will he just shut down his shitty blog and give up?

    Either way I win!

    Oh No!

  2. I know the Dems can fight. I've seen them do it.

    You have? Wow, you must be older than I thought.

    Is there a visual record of this you can point me to -- a daguerreotype, maybe, or possibly a woodcut?

  3. Okay, 'I SHALL WIN BY THE MIGHT OF CONTROL-VEE' is now crowing about their impending victory?

    FSM save us from the morons.
