Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

The NASDAQ Composite has more than doubled since its March 2009 low, the S&P 500 has almost doubled since then and the Dow has gained 5,000 points, but Obama still has to apologize to business for his failure to help innovative companies grow over that same time period because of an uncertain climate that is hostile to the bottom line of America's companies.

So hostile that many of their stocks have roughly doubled since Obama took office.

Boy, Obama sure has been bad for business and the markets, huh.

Yes, I know it's all smoke and mirrors and a huge crash is coming in 2011, but the business community has made out like a bandit during Obama's term.  Literally.  Why are they complaining about Obama?

Why does he have to apologize?

Here's a hint:  unemployment is roughly the same, but profits are up sharply and the markets are blowing through the roof.  Ask yourself why that is.

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