Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feel Good Post Of The Day

Ted Williams is homeless, but he has a rare voice that has given him a new break.  After being discovered, pledges are coming in to donate suits, voiceover spots, and radio bits to help the struggling man get back on his feet.

You can watch the video here.  It made me smile, I hope you do too.  With the number of homeless and people in danger of being homeless on the rise, these little bits of hope go a long way.

[UPDATE]  Zandar here.  The NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers have offered Ted a job with the team's radio/TV crew.

Ted Williams became an Internet sensation after the Columbus Dispatch posted a video of him online. It took off. Millions of people watched it. His story is everywhere and job offers are rolling in. He was interviewed on The Early Show on CBS Wednesday morning.

During another interview on Columbus radio station 97.9, a spokeswoman for the Cavs called in and offered Williams full-time voiceover work with the team and Quicken Loans. The team also offered to pay the mortgage on a home.

“That’s the best deal ever!” Williams said.

A Cavs spokesman told NewChannel5 that the organization is trying to “tighten up their offer” and be more specific in the deal.

Now that's what I call job satisfaction.

[UPDATE 2]  Five gets you ten that before the end of the week, wingers will say this story is proof that we should cut unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other "welfare programs" because if we only did that, it would force the poor to perform in public, make viral videos, and get jobs and become rich and we would fix the economy and the country.

I've got even odds on it Jennifer Rubin, too (although the economic angle screams Megan McArdle or Reason's Matt Welch.)

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