Thursday, January 13, 2011

High Noon On The House Floor

GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert wants firearms on the floor of Congress and is proposing legislation that would allow members of Congress to carry.

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert says his office is drafting a measure to allow members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia, including in the Capitol and on the House floor.

Gohmert says he and his colleagues need to be able to protect themselves, in light of the mass shooting in Arizona.

“It’d be a good thing for members of Congress who want to carry a weapon in the District,” he said. “I know friends that walk home from the Capitol. There’s no security for us,” he said, adding that the measure would deter people from attacking members. “There is some protection in having protection.”

He said there were times during the health care debate last year that he felt afraid, including when a stranger approached him on the street and started screaming at him. 

Funny, people screaming at you when you're a member of Congress would seem to be in the job description.  Hell, it's oftn other members of Congress doing the screaming.  Why guns would be needed on the floor of the House with the Capitol Police already providing protection, now that to me says that Gohmert wants to let people, specifically other lawmakers, know he's packing heat when he does his screaming.  That's a bridge too far, frankly and I don't agree with it.

Protecting yourself in DC is one thing.  But there's no reason for firearms on the floor of Congress.  Not for protection, anyway.  Now, intimidation on the other hand, well...


  1. I seem to recall that in the Bad Old Days before the Civil War, a man was beaten on the floor of Congress, while another Congressman held a pistol to keep anyone from interfering. Trying to remember the name, but yeah - that happened.

    What puzzles me is that there were rules in place at one point to stop people from open jackassery, and we seem to be repealing these laws on the premise that freedom and liberty blargh!

  2. Guns: the penis extensions that allow you to tell people to do what you want!

    Seriously though... weapons have no place in a hall of legislation, let alone on the fucking FLOOR of said hall of legislation.
