Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Say No... No It's Not Working

Whether you agree with it the "war on drugs" or not, there is no question we are losing.  Jails are overcrowded and the public has been thoroughly educated, and still there has not been a major win for law enforcement in the war on drugs.  You can go to any street corner and buy your basics, and get away with it for a good long while before it becomes a problem.  Now there is new discussion about lightening the load on jails, as well as giving non-violent drug offenders a second chance. 

Don't think this is the right answer?  Don't think legalizing or vastly decriminalizing marijuana is a good solution to prevent overcrowding and unnecessary criminal records?  Okay, groovy.  Then tell me your solution, because the one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the current method isn't working.  At all, not for any party involved.  Cities reap fines and law enforcement has built an industry on minor drug offenses.

"The question is: Where is the breaking point where you're saving money to the point that it may seriously impact public safety?"

 I think drawing a line at non-violent and marijuana-only offenders make sense, and it's not like we'll be releasing murderers.  Unless the jails go bankrupt, which is sort of the point above.  Admitting the current system isn't sustainable is a good starting point for creative solutions.


  1. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 21, 2011 at 5:54 PM

    The solution is what several states are resorting to: privatizing the prison system and getting rid of prison employee unions.

    The problem with letting non-violent and marijuana offenders skate is that they eventually turn into violent offenders using harder drugs.

    The ultimate solution is to remove the source of the drugs using the U.S. military. Mexico is a failed narco-state and an impending disaster on our southern border. It's far more of a threat to us than Iraq or Afghanistan is.

    We have the means to deal with them.

  2. Are you seriously advocating the military invasion of Mexico?

    Are you effing serious?

  3. I look forward to reading of ZCP's brave and heroic death in the War on Drugs, since I'm sure he would never commit US troops to a cause he wouldn't die for himself.

    Make a run for the border, ZCP! Go kill Mexicans for Jesus!

  4. As we can see, the neoconservative plan to solve everything is MORE! WAR! NOW! First Afghanistan (although at least that was justified, if we fucked it up), then Iraq. Now they're clamoring for Iran. And now Mexico?

  5. Long story short, I am extremely happy that ICP is almost certainly far, far away from the levers of power.

  6. Step 1) Invade Mexico

    Step 2) ??

    Step 3) Win War on Drugs!

  7. 4) Fap to more dead brown people.

  8. What a great idea: More prisons, pay the guards less, keep non-violent offenders in prison forever and nuke Mexico.

    I have no idea what an ideal world should look like in Problem's mind, but I suspect there aren't nearly as many people in it there and they all look like him.
