Saturday, January 8, 2011

Last Call

The nine-year old girl who died in today's shooting in Tuscon was named Christina Taylor Green.

She had been elected to student council at school, and was invited by one of her neighbors to go meet her Representative in Congress.

She was born on September 11, 2001, according to ABC News.  She was featured in a book about children born on the day the Twin Towers fell.

She died on January 8, 2011.

Wrap your head around that if you can.  I'm trying to, and I still can't.  Here we have a child who was born on the most infamous day in the previous decade, and died as a direct result of the events of the most infamous date in this decade...this decade being just over a week old.

Hug your loved ones.  I have no answers about fate, or God, or karma, but even I have to see this as a message to all of us that we have got to knock this crazy shit off.

No more.

Olbermann's special comment for tonight, because he says what I'm trying to say a thousand times better.


  1. So, you believe in free speech so much that you will just fling crap like a crazed baboon, demanding Zandar stop exercising his free speech?

    I just want to point out something, real fastish - if it is an affront to free speech to demand that the legion of talk radio hosts, Fox personalities, current and ex-members of government, and conservative bloggers by the truckload be responsible for the reckless atmosphere of hate towards half this nation, then it is equally a affront of free speech for you to come on this comment section and demand Zandar close it down because he might close a thread down.

    So, yeah. Fuck you too, buddy.

  2. I don't answer to you, anonymous stalker coward. And I'll delete your garbage.

    Not really anything you can do about that, is there?
