Monday, January 24, 2011

Last Call

Doug J wraps up the winger position on global climate change:

You know the drill: global warming isn’t happening, if it is happening then it’s not caused by human behavior, if it is caused by human behavior then we can’t do anything about it, if it is caused by human behavior and we can do something about it, then that something is too expensive, if it is caused by human behavior and we can do something about it that is not too expensive, then that something is not what Democrats are proposing. And Al Gore is fat, he flies too much, look at his electricity bill, and sometimes when he goes somewhere it snows there, which is very ironic.

Meanwhile 2010 was a record high temp year tied with 2005 and we need to take another century to study it because the science isn't settled.


  1. This really the issue that made me a liberal in the first place. Not Global Climate Change itself, but this reluctance on the part of conservatives to embrace unpleasant truths about the planet and science in general. It was really creationism that made me mad, as a young Physics major, and as time passes, it's just more of the same denial only in a different box.

    Instead, we're plowing into refining the old techniques, with just enough lip service to 'new' technology but will never get implemented in the bulk it's truly needed in. Sometimes, I can imagine the world's wealthiest families descending into a massive bunker and shutting it off while the rest of the world slowly disintegrates - as if Ayn Rand wrote The Time Machine, with the Koch brothers becoming part of the new Morlocks.

  2. this is off-topic but i gotta ask: have you imposed a filter on comments Z? i can't believe that the douche brothers (steveAR and ZCP) have been so quiet today.

    verification word is "swinet". is that a customized version of the internet for conservative trolls?

  3. Awesome meme, abanterer. Morlocks: the ultimate 'gone galt.' (Being a huge Stanley Kubrick fan helps me appreciate that, too.) I'm gonna start calling Rabid Randians 'Morlocks' in your honor.

    This issue cemented it with me, too. At first, 20 years ago, I was uncertain as well. But as the evidence got better, and then piled up, I had no problem switching from agnostic to rational acceptance of the facts. The wingnuts, though, stuck their fingers in their ears and sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic. That's when I realized that I was being pushed out of a moderate position onto the left side of the aisle.

    And, ib, don't worry. They're like their own zombie fallacies; they'll be back, undeterred. They probably had to respond to a wingnut batsignal or something. Either that or their mommies took their computers away for a day.

  4. innocent bystander:

    I was bored by you idiots. But this topic interested me.


    This really the issue that made me a liberal in the first place. Not Global Climate Change itself, but this reluctance on the part of conservatives to embrace unpleasant truths about the planet and science in general.

    Would that be the same "science" (ie., politics) used by the White House to issue an illegal drilling moratorium? Is that the kind of science you liberals believe in?

    You believe Piltdown Man is the missing link, right? And before you say it, I believe in evolution.

  5. The tiniest point I can conjure up goes to SteveAR for not believing in the Flat Earth, Time Cube, and that men rode dinosaurs. He loses this point by derailing the thread entirely with a diatribe about Obama's issuing a moratorium on drilling, as opposed to the topic of the thread which was Global Climate Change.

    I suppose that I could delve into Memo and Politico and track down their sources and see if what they are talking about hasn't been twisted out of all shape, (which I often find is the case, especially when it comes to anything important) but in the end, I can't care less about this diatribe, or the person what made it, or the LJ blog it is written on, or for that matter, the oil companies, who made billions in profit and still laid off staff anyway.

    I suppose this makes me a bad person in Steve's mind, and someday I may actually care about that. For now, I don't.
