Monday, January 17, 2011

Repeal And Replace Without The Replace

GOP leaders have been calling to "repeal and replace Obamacare" for nearly a year now, and over the weekend they revealed they still have absolutely nothing to replace the PPACA with.

On Fox News Sunday today, conservative Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol could offer only the vaguest of promises about the replacement. When Fox News contributor Juan Williams challenged Kristol to explain “what are you going to replace it with?”, Kristol told Williams not to worry, because there would be hearings in a few months and Republicans would probably come up with something by then.

We'll have hearings!  That's the plan.

I don't suppose it's occurred to anyone that the reason that the GOP doesn't have a real plan is that they have no real chance at repealing the law, and that they're just wasting people's time.

House Republicans have termed their strategy "repeal and replace." But according to GOP House leaders, senior aides and conservative health policy specialists, Republicans have not distilled their ideas into a coherent plan. 

There's a shocker.  I've said before that if the Republicans have a plan that will extend coverage to the tens of millions of Americans with no health insurance and can do it better than the current plan passed last year, then by all means, let's see it.  If it's a better plan, then bring it up for a debate and let's help America.

But somehow I don't think we'll ever see this "plan".

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