Sunday, January 23, 2011

Straw Mitt Argument

Mitt Romney was the clear winner in Saturday's New Hampshire GOP straw poll for 2012, taking 35% of the vote.  The top ten vote getters:

Mitt Romney 35.14%
Ron Paul 10.51%
Tim Pawlenty 7.61%
Sarah Palin 6.88%
Michele Bachmann 5.07%
Jim DeMint 5.07%
Herman Cain 3.99%
Chris Christie 3.26%
Rick Santorum 3.26%
Mitch Daniels 2.90%

Of course, that means 65% of Republicans in New Hampshire think Mitt sucks.  Going to be really interesting to see what happens, considering 5% of New Hampshire's GOP muckity-mucks want to see Michele Bachmann as president.

If guys like Mitch Daniels, John Thune, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich are coming in behind Rick Santorum and the Bachmanniac, and getting less than 3% of the vote (and my math shows 16.31% of the total vote was split among at least 10 other people) there's no hope for a "moderate" GOP at all, folks...unless you think Romney's going to survive.  Once the rest of the field realizes the game's wide open once Mittens has to be made to exit, it's going to be the craziest winger left standing in 2012.


  1. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 23, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    "...unless you think Romney's going to survive"

    Such hateful rhetoric...

    Do you ever get tired of being made to look like an ass?

  2. And apparently ZCP got a hold of Zandar's pic and is now photoshopping it.

    Seriously, I'd tell you to give it up already, but it's clear that this is the only way you can get your dick hard, so it's really kind of sad.

  3. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 23, 2011 at 6:06 PM

    I've already dismissed you, fool.

    You have nothing but insults, the sign of someone who lost the argument long ago.

    You're nothing more that Zandar's court jester.

    But your insults and bad manners are what I expect from the pathetic Left.

    Be gone.

  4. Yes, yes, and my mother is a hamster and my father smells of elderberries.

    Are you quite done?

  5. I think you actually have to have a blog in order to dismiss someone, Problem. In fact, I think you need to display something other than bad manners and insults in order to chasten people for bad manners and insults, which leaves you out.

    See, I'll try - Zandar's Credibility Problem! I abjure thee in the names of seraphs and angels! Begone from this place never to return upon pain of eternal agony and despair! Begone! Begone! Leave and let not shadow nor echo remain!

  6. This vote was for the office of US President?

    Oh, I thought it was for who had the nicest hair.

    And who let Herman Cain in here? He's got almost none.

  7. Oh, and it's highly amusing that Cain beat out Rick (Man on Dog) Santorum and Mitch (Caulking a Crack) Daniels.

  8. Holy Crap - I think I did it!

    I gotta save that for Christmas!

  9. Nah, don't get your hopes up. They always come back.
