Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stupidinews: Bad Day For Arkansas Critters

In two (seemingly) unrelated events, more than a thousand blackbirds fell dead from the sky in the town of Beebe, AR.  An Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spokesman also says dead fish cover at least 20 miles of the Arkansas River, near the town of Ozark, AR.  So far, there are no answers for why either event took place, but the two towns are about 270 miles apart.

It makes one wonder.  Twenty miles of water is a lot of sickness or contamination, more than can be attributed to the meth lab or farm runoff that is usually to blame.  Coincidence? If so, it's a big one.   Right now, living fish are being examined, because the surviving drum fish are showing signs of illness.


  1. Oh boy, I hope there is a good explanation for all this.....

  2. Here's what is really interesting. It was only blackbirds that were flying over a 1-mile radius over Beebe that died. Other blackbirds that stay in a roost area in Beebe were fine.

    The fish that died on the Arkansas River were from one species. Had it been related to pollution, more than just one species of fish would have been found dead.

    Beebe and Ozark are about 140 miles apart.

    Coincidence? Likely until more is known.
