Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stupidnews! It's A Bad Day To Be Famous

Peter Fonda discovered a dead body.  Yep, that's right.  He stopped to check on a car parked beside the road, and called 911 when it was evident the man was dead. 

Brett Favre's sister was busted in Mississippi when a meth lab caught attention of police.  She has had legal trouble before, but this is going to go down badly.

Margaret Whiting, famous for  Moonlight In Vermont has passed away at age 86.  She was dramatic and loud, and as much a performer as a sweet voice, and held her own with Rosemary Clooney. 

Charlie Sheen has an infection. That's right, America's favorite man ho has finally gotten an infection.  But it's in his ear.  Therefore proving the universal law that no matter what, it's a good day to be Charlie Sheen.


  1. Afraid I'm only familiar w/"Moonlight On Vermont" but it's got a good beat 'n you can dance to it (unless your dancing partner is my wife...).

  2. I don't wanna know how you get an ear infection at a porn convention.
