Monday, January 31, 2011

The Tea Party Has Officially Taken Over The GOP

According to the latest numbers from Gallup even a majority of Democrats say the Republicans should listen to the Tea Party.


Even Gallup's flustered by this.

Although few Democrats (6%) are supporters of the Tea Party or even have a favorable view of it (11%), more than half say it is important that the Republican Party take the Tea Party's positions into account. Why this is the case is unclear, although Democrats may simply feel that the opposing party should pay attention to all of its constituencies.

Well, maybe it's because there's a number of folks like myself who think the Republicans should embrace the crazy as tightly as possible heading into the 2012 elections, and do it as often as possible.

By all means, count me in that "very important" group.


  1. From the 'Give them enough rope' department...

  2. No. No. Nononononono.

    A year, maybe two ago (in fact, I've done so on this blog) I would have agreed and asked for popcorn.

    Now? Not so much. If there's anything the left should be doing, it's pressuring those on the right to stay the HELL away from the Teatards.

    I'd like to say these people are mainstreaming insanity, but really, it's just a mass of simmering resentments from 150 fucking years ago. We should be past half this shit, but we're not, half of it because we generally have to drag a fair chunk of the nation kicking and screaming into the fucking future.

    As these resentments get forced into the mainstream (as opposed to just being "exposed", more people, who would otherwise feel shamed at holding these resentments, get comfortable in voicing and voting these resentments. And then when they get called out on it, it's "TYRANNY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER JUST LIKE THE NAZEES DID TO THE JOOS!" Never mind that they could benefit from it as much as those they're resenting. "No, the bad people get it, so nobody gets it! Oh, well, the good rich people get it because I'm going to be one of those good rich people one day."

    Moreover, the further right the Repubs go, the more comfortable the Dems (the ostensible "left", if only because they're usually relatively left-wing compared to the repubs) can be with being less progressive. "Hey, I might want to ban abortion, but I just want to save the babies. HE wants to roll back womens' right to vote!" "I will never let single-payer pass, it's too much like socialism. But are you going to vote for the guy who wants to repeal Medicare?"

    So no. Nononono. The Tea Party is dedicated to one thing only: fucking things up because they're not feeling like they're masters of the world. No, the Republicans should not be listening to these morons.
