Saturday, January 15, 2011


Michelle Obama wrote a touching letter in which she asks that parents teach their children tolerance.

"We can teach them the value of tolerance - the practice of assuming the best, rather than the worst, about those around us. We can teach them to give others the benefit of the doubt, particularly those with whom they disagree. "

It's time that we stop discriminating against the LGBT community.  We are all protected by the same Constitution, and we are all (supposed to be) equal in the eyes of the law.  This minority has seen discrimination and hate crimes galore, and our leaders can't say much when they have voted to restrict their ability to serve in the military, to be recognized legally as a couple, and to be the people they want to be.  They are often treated as partial citizens, not receiving recognition and in some cases, under attack by legislation.

I am not saying Michelle Obama was wrong.  She is absolutely correct.  Let's start teaching our kids about tolerance, and acceptable ways to be heard.  It is human nature to claw at another group of people when times are tough.  I hope we continue to see tolerance grow, and applied in the one direction it does not seem to be spreading, towards our LGBT community.

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