Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Will Of The People

It's funny how Republicans say they are doing the "Will of the People" right up until they don't.  Take this CBS/Vanity Fair poll on tackling the deficit:

Sixty-one percent of Americans polled would rather see taxes for the wealthy increased as a first step to tackling the deficit, the poll showed.

The next most popular way -- chosen by 20 percent -- was to cut defense spending.

Four percent would cut the Medicare government health insurance program for the elderly, and 3 percent would cut the Social Security retirement program, the poll showed.

Four out of five Americans want to either eliminate tax cuts for the rich or cut defense spending.   What do Republicans want to do?  Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid....and make permanent tax cuts for the rich and increase defense spending.

They're doing the will of 7% of the American people.  Literally.

Funny how that works.

1 comment:

  1. The Republicans are for the will of the people.

    That is, the will of the people that matter. Duh.

    The hoi polloi can go pull itself up by the bootstraps. By which I mean fuck itself.
