Friday, January 7, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

If this is the new normal for the Tea Party right (and every indication that these inmates are indeed well ensconced in administration and day-to-day affairs of the asylum) then the next two years are going to be awesome.

An apparent member of the birther movement seated in the gallery of the House of Representatives on Thursday interrupted a reading of the Constitution. The woman yelled out "Except Obama, except Obama, help us Jesus!" as Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) read the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution.

The woman screamed out from the House Gallery as Pallone read Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution, which reads that "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." 

Steve M. has much more on this particular World Nut Daily all-star, Theresa Cao, Professional Birther.

The monster the wingers created is now quite loose in DC.


  1. The monster the wingers created is now quite loose in DC.

    As opposed to whom, the Truthers, who make up most liberals and Democrats?

    The vast majority of conservatives long ago disavowed the Birthers (including me), unlike liberals who still embrace or are Truthers.

  2. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 7, 2011 at 5:26 PM

    But it's totally acceptable when LIBERAL Code Pink nutjobs interrupt Congress, right?

    OH NO!

  3. I was unaware that any truthers made it to Congress, or had any national recognition, or anything quite so grand. And yet, there were a number of birthers who ran for Congress and apparently a few got in. Seems pretty inappropriate to claim they are equivalent, yeah?

    Because I can tune into GOP radio or Fox and probably hear something entirely and completely bonkers and yet accepted at face value on nearly any day. Christ, Glenn Beck fills that quota alone. I can't think of the last time anyone ever claimed that Bush was responsible for 9/11.

    And yet, here is a lady who has written for a blog with a formidable viewership, and if you look, you can find a number of states submitting laws on this issue in Missouri and Tennessee with sponsors directly saying 'I do not believe that he is a citizen'.

    So make of that what you will. And honestly 'truthers make up most liberals' should have been followed up with 'though, my crippling social anxiety has rendered me helpless outside of the isolated bubble which I rarely leave as I await the End Times.' Because I am a liberal and have yet to meet a truther in flesh and blood.

  4. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 8, 2011 at 9:18 AM

    Did you know that Zandar is a fraud?

    He created a commenter named Arcadian as a sock puppet and used the account for months until he got busted.

    When real conservative commenters destroy his terrible arguments he panics and he locks his threads so he gets the last word in.

    When conservative blogs call him out and PROVE he's nothing more than an ignorant fool, a gullible hack and a race-bating idiot he runs for the hills.

    Zandar is a proven liar, fraud, and fool. He will lie to you and try to fool you again because he thinks you're the "Stupid" he's fighting against.

    Why are you wasting time on this blog? Don't feed his ego. If you leave, he'll shut this travesty of a blog down. Help this poor, deluded man.

    Before he lies to you again. He's pathological.

    Oh No!
