Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Apparently the only thing America was paying attention to last night in President Obama's speech was his salmon joke.  The word cloud:

We asked our listeners to describe President Obama's State of the Union address in three words. This is a word cloud of the more than 12,000 words we received.

Why is "salmon" so big? As The Two-Way explains, NPR's Facebook followers were referring to one of the night's humorous moments — when the president joked about the complicated and convoluted way the government regulates salmon.

"The Interior Department is in charge of salmon while they're in fresh water, but the Commerce Department handles them when they're in saltwater," Obama said. "I hear it gets even more complicated once they're smoked." That last line drew big laughs from lawmakers in the Capitol.

Politics?  Boring.  Fish jokes?  Funny!

Meanwhile, here's Bachmanniac's six minutes of crazy response.

You know, just in case you think any bipartisanship is possible with people like this.

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