Thursday, March 24, 2011

Birthers Get A Trump Card, Part 2

Hey look folks, Donald Trump may be a lot of things:  egotistical, creepy, hair-challenged, but the one thing he isn't is stupid.  The guy has learned that if you want serious attention as a GOP contender for 2012, you play the birther card, and he's jamming his foot down on that pedal as hard as he can now.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump called on President Barack Obama Wednesday to produce his birth certificate and prove he was born in the United States.

"I want him to show his birth certificate. I want him to show his birth certificate," Trump said on ABC's "The View." "There's something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like."

The potential 2012 presidential candidate said Obama was "probably" born in the U.S., but repeated questions he raised last week about the president's childhood.

"If you go back to my first grade, my kindergarten, people remember me. Nobody from those early years remembers him," Trump said. "If you're going to be president of the United States, it says very profoundly you have to be born in this country."

Trump wants the attention, and the Village will keep giving it to him, as long as goes down this road.  It's exactly what he's aiming for.  I don't think Trump actually believes this crap for a second...but let's remember a majority of Republican primary voters do believe it.

And that's all you have to know about Trump's birther conversion.  He's playing to the folks who will be deciding the GOP nominee next year.  The only candidate who's not a birther at this point is Mitt Romney, and I'm betting even he'll be forced to jump on the Birther Express before too long, or he's toast.

Mark my words, the person who wins the GOP nomination will run on President Obama "hiding a deep, dark secret" in his birth certificate, and if he held a press conference today and said "Here's my damn birth certificate" there's not a single birther who would believe him anyway.

PS, it's not about his birth certificate, it's about President Obama being the first non-white US President, and it always, always, ALWAYS has been.

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