Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nothing But A Bunch Of Moose Gas

Sarah Palin has decided the country isn't paying enough attention to her this week, complaining that President Obama is fully to blame for gas prices and that he's doing it on purpose or something because he's a Dirty F'ckin Hippie.

"The evidence of the President's anti-drilling mentality and his culpability in the high gas prices hurting Americans is there for all to see," Palin said.

She contended that Obama's drilling moratorium — instated after the massive spill in the gulf — his proposed elimination of oil tax incentives in the 2012 budget and regulatory practices have caused increased prices at the pump.

Oil prices have actually stabilized in recent days after the price of light crude nearly hit $110-a-barrel amidst fears that violence in Libya would disrupt global supply. The price settled at $97-a-barrel at the end of trading Tuesday.

But Palin goes further than just asserting that Obama is responsible for high oil prices, seeming to argue that the president wants to see higher energy costs in order to benefit his agenda.

"This was no accident. Through a process of what candidate Obama once called 'gradual adjustment,' American consumers have seen prices at the pump rise 67 percent since he took office," Palin wrote.

"Let's not forget that in September 2008, candidate Obama's Energy Secretary in-waiting said: 'Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,'" she continued. "That's one campaign promise they're working hard to fulfill!"

Really.  It's all Obama's fault.  Libya's near civil war, Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear plant disaster, Bahrain's uprising, demand in China for more infrastructure, the weather, the rotation of the Earth and probably Charlie Sheen's latest project, all the singular fault of one Barack Obama and his crusade to get you to drive a Prius.

And people wonder why I think Sarah Palin is a blithering idiot.   Meanwhile, oil companies continue to take taxpayer subsidies while they make tens of billions in yearly profit.  That's the fault of Republicans, who refuse to cut them.

The difference between Bush's $4 gallon gas and Obama's is still the same greedy energy companies making record profits and dumping lobbyist cash into both parties, but the majority of that is going to Republicans.  And to have the ex-Governor of Alaska conveniently omit the fact her state takes millions in taxpayer money from the rest of the country to give to those same oil companies in tax breaks and incentives means the absolute last person in politics who should be blaming anyone for high gas prices other than herself is Sarah Palin.

Go away.  We don't have time for you right now.

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