Friday, March 18, 2011

A Poll On Winning That Loses, Big Time

At this point I have to consider Public Policy Polling may have jumped the shark.

We've found a lot of brutal poll numbers for Sarah Palin so far in 2011: down in South Dakota, down in South Carolina, down in Arizona, only up by 1 point in Texas, only up by 1 point in Nebraska to name a few. But this has to be the worst- independent voters say they would support Charlie Sheen over Palin for President by a 41/36 margin. Seriously.

Despite her deficit with independents Palin does lead Sheen 49-29 overall. We also tested Barack Obama against Sheen and the President leads 57-24.

Hey guys?  We have enough actual maniacs trying to destroy the country with their idiotic antics.  The idea that independents and Democrats would choose Charlie Sheen over Sarah Palin is not helping at all towards fixing it.  Our political system is badly broken as it is, and neither Sheen nor Palin should be considered legitimate people to make pancakes without burning down your house, much less be pretend President.

This is a stupid Village trick, PPP, and quite beneath you.  Knock it the hell off.

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