Saturday, March 26, 2011

Taxing America's Patience

Boss Hogg can't help himself.  He has to lie about Obama and taxes.  It's ingrained into Republicans.

Speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, to a crowd of conservative activists, the potential 2012 GOP presidential contender said, "When the government sucks all the money out of the economy, how is the private sector supposed to create jobs?"

Barbour slammed the Obama administration's tax policies for placing an extra burden on taxpayers and inhibiting job growth.

"The president from the beginning has been calling for the largest tax increase in American history," Barbour said, adding "the policies of this administration in every case have made it harder to create jobs."

Barbour also struck out at taxes placed on the oil industry, saying they would be passed on to consumers.
"Who’s he think is going to pay that? Exxon?" Barbour said, "That's going to be paid by the people who are pumping gas and diesel fuel into their cars & trucks."

Citing the need to jumpstart the economy, Barbour told the crowd that reducing spending would be key.

"I urge you to remember the most important thing, cutting spending is the means to an end, the end is to continue to grow our economy,” he said.

Obama lowered taxes for a vast majority of Americans.  He also kept the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.  He even instituted additional tax breaks for businesses.  Hell, General Electric paid a grand total of ZERO taxes in 2010.  Can't get much less than zero, folks.

So where are the jobs these lower taxes are supposed to create?   Gosh, Republicans certainly can't explain it.  They want us to go into austerity next, like Britain and Greece and Ireland...countries that have seen sharp reductions in government spending and surprise... now they are seeing major increases in unemployment!

So in fact Obama is doing exactly what Republicans are wanting him to do.  He has lowered taxes, especially on businesses.  Democrats continue to talk about cutting spending and cutting programs.  But the jobs aren't being created!

They're not being created of course because cutting spending when the government is the buyer of last resort and corporate America continues to sit on trillions in cash rather than see there's no point in expanding production capacity and adding jobs in America when Americans don't have the money to buy more products and take on more these jobs are going overseas, along with expansion plans.

So the rich are getting an even larger slice of the country's growth.  The other 90% of the country is losing net worth as housing prices continue to fall, wages stagnate, and jobs are lost.  Right now some half a million people gathered in London for a massive protest against government program cuts.  Britain is right now where we would be if Republicans controlled everything:  rising unemployment, draconian social cuts, and unrest bordering on riots.

We're doing what Haley Barbour and the austerity hysterics want, and austerity is failing miserably worldwide.  OBAMA CUT TAXES ON TENS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS.  This is fact.

So where's the jobs?

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