Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

The lesson from today's resignation of NPR CEO Vivian Schiller over a departing fundraiser getting caught telling the truth about conservatives?  If you lie, you win.  If you tell the truth, you lose.

NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned, NPR just announced.

This follows yesterday's news that then-NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller (no relation) was videotaped slamming conservatives and questioning whether NPR needs federal funding during a lunch with men posing as members of a Muslim organization (they were working with political activist James O'Keefe on a "sting.")

Vivian Schiller quickly condemned Ron Schiller's comments, and he moved up an already-announced decision to leave NPR and resigned effective immediately. But Ron Schiller's gaffe followed last fall's dismissal of NPR political analyst Juan Williams, for which Vivian Schiller came under harsh criticism and NPR's top news executive, Ellen Weiss, resigned.

Schiller fell on her sword to try to save public broadcasting funding.  Republicans immediately responded with "Screw you, we will burn you to the ground."

The issue about taxpayers funding public broadcasting isn't about who gets hired or fired, it's about two simple facts: we can't afford it and they don't need it. We're facing a $1.5 trillion deficit and spending hundreds of millions on public broadcasting makes no sense today when they are raising millions from private donors and Americans already have thousands of media choices.

Oh, and the fundraiser exec who was leaving NPR anyway for a job with a think tank?  Lost his new job too.  Meanwhile, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh continue to lie on a near daily basis with zero consequences.  To recap, a known professional liar with zero journalistic credibility on a crusade to destroy the institution has all but decapitated NPR.

Anyone to the left of FOX News must be annihilated.  Don't think it will stop with public broadcasting, either.

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