Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthers Get A Trump Card, Part 9

Steve M. argues convincingly that Trump has now crossed the line and is effectively done.  Oh no, he can insult the current President all he wants to, but as Steve says, he's committed the unpardonable sin of pointing out Ronald Reagan's feet of clay.

...in his bestselling book, Art of the Deal, published at the conclusion of the Reagan presidency, Trump cited Reagan as an example of someone who could "con people" but couldn't "deliver the goods." Trump said Reagan was "so smooth" that he "won over the American people." But at the conclusion of his presidency, "people are beginning to question whether there is anything beneath that smile," Trump writes. 

That's it, Donald -- thanks for playing. You can be an ex-Democrat, an ex-supporter of a wealth tax, an ex-Obama fan, an ex-pro-choicer ... but you cannot insult the most perfect human being who ever lived and expect to win votes in the Republican Party. This alone will do more to deflate the Trump bubble than anything terrified establishment 'pubs have unearthed so far.

And it was Think Progress that dug this up. Dammit, guys, you should've let him make the party elders squirm for a few more weeks.

Well, Republicans do lie about pretty much everything, including Reagan. He never would have survived today's Republican Party to make it to the White House, in fact he would have been primaried out of California's Governor's mansion if not recalled. But telling the truth about Ronnie to counter that lie, well. That's breaking the final, inviolable law. I'm going to have to go with Steve here without much reservation at all.

Trump's done, folks. Enjoy the veal.

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