Friday, April 15, 2011

Exciting New Horizons In Obama Derangement Syndrome

Today's contestant:  Mickey Kaus (whose move to the Daily Caller tells you everything you need to know) discussing this Jay Cost Weekly Standard piece:

Cost doesn’t go into why Obama managed to get to the top of politics without being all that good at it. The answer is distressingly obvious: Obama’s the biggest affirmative action baby in history.  When other pols are trying, failing, learning, while climbing up the middle rungs of the ladder, he got a pass.

He got a pass?  He got a pass?

A guy who went through eighteen months of brutal, foul, nasty, racist, ugly, depressing, demonizing, dehumanizing "opposition research", where he was attacked for being:

too black,
not black enough,
not white enough,
too white,
too smart,
too stupid,
being a "community organizer",
palling around with terrorists,
being far too ethnic,
being far too mundane,
a secret Muslim,
a Christian-hater,
an anti-Semite,
a fist jabber,
a misogynist,
a effete out-of-touch snob,
a Kenyan plant,
too "clean and articulate",
and for being the damn anti-Christ...

and he got a pass?

Mickey Kaus can kiss my black ass.  Repeatedly.  Obama fought through all that racist, idiotic, stupid garbage and he won.  They only made it harder for him.  He took a nasty knock at the polls in 2010, and they made it harder for him again.  He's still here.  Pass?  Obama's the most battle-hardened political survivor out there.

In Kaus's view, is it possible for an African-American to make it without being an affirmative action baby?  Maybe he ought to ask himself why the hell he still has a job if he's spouting inanities like that.

Oh wait, he works for the Daily Caller.  That explains it.  The guy getting a paycheck from Tucker Carlson's Wingnut Welfare gravy train says the President is the quintessential affirmative action case.  That's a Charlie Sheen lack of awareness folks...and you don't get that without plenty of time as a Villager.

Only guy getting a pass here is Kaus.  Not from me.

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