Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ignoring The Moose In The Room

I agree with Betty Cracker.  Donald Trump is the new hotness among the wingers, while broke-down Sarah Palin is struggling desperately to stay relevant.  After two years of moaning that the Un-American Liberal Lamestream Media was focused on her every glaring flaw (which is funny, because the woman is nothing but) now the complaints are that the press is ignoring Palin.

Maybe it's because she's crashing and burning in 2011?  Betty explains.

The Palinites aren’t quite ready to face the hard truth—their idol is tanking in the polls against a short-fingered vulgarian like Trump and assorted other absurd figures because even most of her mouth-breathing sister-humping supporters now realize Palin isn’t qualified to manage a Taco Bell.

To hide their hurt, they’re going after their favorite punching bag, the “lamestream media” that they once excoriated for being overly focused Palin’s every fart and nose-twitch. Only now, they’re all “you don’t bring me flowers anymore.”

Which is about par for the course.   Even Tea Party diehards have increasing reservations about Palin (and Michele Bachmann for that matter.)

ABC News' Amy Walter reports: A new ABC News/Wash. Post poll finds that in a head to head match-up against President Barack Obama, 70% of those who say they are Tea Party supporters say they'll vote for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for president--compared to 69% for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Seeming Tea Party favorites like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, meanwhile, draw 61% and 60%, respectively, against the president.

Yep...Mittens and the Huckster do better against Obama among Tea Party folks than Moose Lady or the Bachmanniac.   And it's still a good 18 months until the election.  Expect much more whining from Sarah Palin desperately trying to stay relevant by interjecting herself into everything she can.

On the other hand, how does Palin "trump" this level of stupid?

The GOP clown car cavalcade continues.

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