Thursday, April 7, 2011

Preparation H Is Back

H for "Hillary 2012" that is.  The only time Andrew Malcolm's Obama Derangement Syndrome factory at the LA Times is more Firebagtastic than when Malcolm is screaming at the President is when he has a guest conservative do it.

Hillary voters weren't swooned by Obama in the 2008 Democratic primaries and many are abandoning him in public opinion surveys today. But are they mad enough to ride the elephant in 2012? 

Get out the saddle, because that's exactly what they did in 2010.

In the midterm elections, while it's true the Democrats were routed everywhere, they got especially creamed in states where Hillary did well. In House races, the Democrats lost four seats in Florida, six in New York, five in Ohio, four in Pennsylvania and three in Texas –- all states Hillary carried in the 2008 Democratic primaries. 

Meanwhile, the Democrats strengthened their hand in places that went heavily for Obama in 2008 –- with pickups in Hawaii, Delaware and the MSNBC prime-time lineup.

The lesson: Hillary voters aren't only willing to pull the plug on their fellow Democrats -– they're willing to yank it like they're starting a lawn mower.

While it's true the Clintons are ambitious people, they've never been known to go on suicide missions -– those are for terrorists and hotel chains willing to rent rooms to Charlie Sheen. 

Despite her contemporary denials, Hillary would only throw her hat in the ring if she thought she had a better than even chance at moving back into the White House. Obama is looking weak, but not weak enough to justify a primary challenge...yet.

If Libya turns into a full blown disaster...resulting in billions of dollars wasted, boots on the ground and abysmal public opinion numbers, my money is on Hillary resigning her post as secretary of State and jumping in the 2012 primary.

She can even rerun the "3 AM Phone Call" ad...with the tagline 'See, I told you so.'

This from radio knucklehead John Phillips, who wants to see Hillary run, because he believes the election is Obama's to lose, so you might as well nominate Sarah Palin and hope the country self-destructs badly enough that President Palin becomes a reality.

Not sure if he wants to see Hillary or Moose Lady in the White House more.  All he knows is, Obama is the worst everything ever and he needs to go, and that's all that matters when your job is ODS.

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