Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This Week's WTH

Recently, I posted an article about a man who was going almost twice the speed limit, and the couple was outraged that a responsible police officer made them wait for an ambulance.  When the father became belligerent, he was detained.

It appears a judge sees it their way, at least for the Coughlins of New Hampshire.  My jaw dropped when I read this article explaining that their judge believes the wife being in labor justified the husband going 102 in a 55 MPH zone.  This is a different case than the one above, but the details are similar. Which prompts me to wonder, was he high? 

Where is the regard for public safety?  What about the wife's safety?  Would a woman in labor survive an accident at that speed, or the infant?  There was a logical alternative, the same one the Denver officers insisted on: an ambulance.  They are trained to drive at high speeds, and traffic knows to yield to them.  The law and public safety come first, especially knowing there was a lawful option.  A judge should know better.

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