Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why The Birthers Will Never Go Away

Via Pam's House Blend,  watch and listen as Mike Signorile spends a good six minutes here calmly explaining the facts about Obama's birth certificate to a caller in Alabama on his radio show.  It's about as informative as it gets on why it Birtherism has nothing to do with where Obama was born and everything to do with millions of people trying to justify away the fact they live in a country where the President is an African-American.

Here's the cold, hard facts about Birthers, guys.  The caller never admits that Obama may actually be an American citizen.  He doesn't want to.  That would mean he admits that America has a black President.  This guy and millions like him refuse to do this.  They don't want to believe that Obama is their President of their country.  Birtherism is just the asterisk next to the 2008 Presidential election.  He doesn't really count.  If he doesn't really count, then America has never had a black President and everything is fine.

But if they admit it, it's not.  It means America has a black President.  It means that guys like Winston here live in an America where a black guy is President.  And this is not the America that Winston wants to live in.  It means that it's an America where dudes like Winston are the minority.

And that scares the ever-loving crap out of him.  Birtherism is just the mass delusion that America doesn't have a black President named Barack Hussein Obama, pure and simple.  It helps them cope with America in 2011.  It will never go away, certainly not as long as Obama is President.

Let me lay it on the table.  It's about race.  It always has been.  The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can fight it.  The sooner the Village realizes this, they sooner they can help fight it.  The sooner we all get this, the sooner we can tell people that this behavior isn't acceptable.

So yes, instead of complaining about the Birthers, try to understand the message they are hoping to hear about Obama.

Then do something about it.

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