Thursday, April 21, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Steve M. has a point as he dissects David Frum's hand-wringing on the Donald:

Conservatives like liberals have suffered unemployment, the loss of savings, the decline in housing values. Conservatives like liberals find themselves suddenly poorer for reasons they do not understand. Conservatives like liberals fear and dread that Medicare and Social Security will soon be cut to rescue the country's finances. If the GOP wants to finish Trump, GOP candidates had better learn to speak to those anxieties -- to offer a remedy more effectual than the snake-oil now being peddled by Tim Pawlenty.

Steve nails it with his response:

"If the GOP wants to finish Trump, GOP candidates had better learn to speak to those anxieties" -- well, given that the likelihood of that is precisely zero, I guess we have our Republican presidential nominee for 2012:

Congratulations, Donald.
And if it's somehow not the Donald, it will be because somebody else will be trying to drive the GOP clown car through a brick wall. All Obama has to do is show up. When even David Frum is warning about dealing with the "untapped rage" of the GOP base before it blows, I have to laugh. The GOP created this beast, and over the next 18 months it's going to rip the party to pieces. Village Cool Kids like Frum are just as responsible for the Trumpification of the GOP as they were the Palinization of it three years ago, so watching him freak out now is nothing but sweet music to my ears.

You helped make this bed, Frumster. Now burn in it.

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