Monday, May 2, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

You know, some folks are going to have to eat crow after last night, starting with Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit who went on a tear yesterday with a Moonie Times op-ed bashing Obama's "failed" presidency.  He couldn't have known about the operation to nail OBL.  Well in hindsight, here's your "Sunday Reflection", Instatwit:  If failed Obama the failing failure is a bigger failure than Jimmy Carter, then what does it say about the GOP when Obama continues to beat the entire Republican field for re-election in national polling?

President Obama has gotten no bounce from his reelection campaign announcement, with his job approval rating dropping by 7 percentage points since January, his personal popularity at a career low and 57 percent of Americans disapproving of his handling of the economy. Yet he leads the potential GOP field

Kinda rocky for the President, yes.  But it's still worse for the entire Republican primary mess...a field that last I checked was still being led itself by one Donald Trump...and is still losing to Mister "the tendency of everything he touches to turn to crap" as you call him.

And this was all before the news that we zapped Bin Laden.  Crow.  It's what's for dinner, Glenn.  Eat up.

And speaking of the reactions of the right, as PoliticsUSA reports, out of the GOP field only Pawlenty even mentioned President Obama in their reactions to the news...and that was after crediting President Bush first.  Expect the next several days of winger spew to involve either A) "OBL's death doesn't end the terror threat to our nation" or B) "Let's thank President Bush for keeping his promise to bring him in dead or alive!"

Credit Obama?  Won't happen.  Not from the people running for his job.  Other Republicans will...but not anyone running for the GOP's 2012 nomination.  They know that will come back to haunt them in the GOP primaries.  And to them, politics are more important that national unity right now.  They're chasing the birther vote, after all.

Oh, and this.

Obama gets Osama

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