Saturday, June 25, 2011

But The GOP Cares About Women, Part 3

In a big victory for choice in Indiana, a federal judge has agreed to stay the Indiana anti-choice bill that defunds Planned Parenthood in that state.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt on Friday night means Planned Parenthood, which stopped serving its 9,300 Medicaid patients last week after running out of donated funds, can again see those patients.

The judge also enjoined a part of the law that would have taken effect July 1, requiring doctors to tell patients seeking abortions that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks or less.

Both were part of an anti-abortion bill that passed the Republican dominated legislature with significant support and was signed into law by Mitch Daniels.

Pratt’s injunction means the two provisions cannot be enforced while she is hearing a lawsuit, brought by Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union, arguing that those parts of the law should be struck down.

 That's excellent news.  It means 9,000+ women in the state can get health care again.  It means compassion and logic have won out over Republican fanaticism.

But for how long?  Remember, the goal of these laws is to put a case on the docket of the Supreme Court in order to get them to overturn Roe v. Wade, or to limit it to the point where abortions are de facto outlawed by all the red tape and hoops.  Eventually one of these GOP abortion laws will reach the high court.

Oh, but it's all about jobs, you know.  Republicans are focused on jobs.

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