Friday, June 3, 2011

Exciting New Horizons In Obama Derangement Syndrome

First, the news item:  Investor's Business Daily points out that wage growth over the last ten years has been virtually stagnant, even worse than the Great Depression years.

The increase in total private-sector wages, adjusted for inflation, from the start of 2001 has fallen far short of any 10-year period since World War II, according to Commerce Department data. In fact, if the data are to be believed, economywide wage gains have even lagged those in the decade of the Great Depression (adjusted for deflation).

Two years into the recovery, and 10 years after the nation fell into a post-dot-com bubble recession, this legacy of near-stagnant wages has helped ground the economy despite unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus — and even an impressive bull market.

Over the past decade, real private-sector wage growth has scraped bottom at 4%, just below the 5% increase from 1929 to 1939, government data show.

OK, so 2001-2010 was not very good at all for the American worker.  We all know that.  So why am I filing this under Obama Derangement Syndrome?

Guess.  Doug Ross:

Obama's record is a perfect one -- he's ruined the housing, energy, auto, banking, health care, insurance and probably other industries I'm forgetting.

His swollen bureaucracies and regulations are strangling the private sector and, by extension, our livelihoods. What the ideologue-in-chief has yet to figure out is that his leviathan -- his unconstitutional federal bureaucracy -- can't exist without us. Without the taxpayers. By strangling us, he'll end up strangling the federal government. It's simple mathematics. And whether through total systemic collapse or by booting his incompetent rear out of office in 2012, it will end.

Our old friend Zip takes his shot too:

Imagine what America will look like if we get another four years of Mr. Hope-N-Change?

Right, because Obama was responsible for the stagnant wage growth from 2001 to January 2009, you know, when Bush was President for eight years.  Blaming the last economic decade on Obama is weak and pathetic, even for these clowns...but that's all they have.  Bush doesn't exist for these morons.

It's always Obama's fault.  Even when it can't be.

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