Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Call

My faith in Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC chair was on shaky ground to begin with, but at this point the thin ice she's on has broken under her feet.

Democrats are ready to take responsibility for the state of the economy and they deserve credit for putting it on the right track, the party’s chairwoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, said on Wednesday.

“We own the economy. We own the beginning of the turnaround and we want to make sure that we continue that pace of recovery, not go back to the policies of the past under the Bush administration that put us in the ditch in the first place,” Wasserman Schultz told Mike Allen at POLITICO’s ‘Playbook Breakfast.’

The economy, she said, “has turned around” since President Obama took office, with steady job growth evident even if the pace leaves something to be desired.

The economy's turned around?  Bullshit, madam.  Absolute bullshit.   We're in a housing depression, years out from being resolved.  The banks are still running the country into the ground, and the Republicans are doing everything they can to lock the fire doors and let everyone inside burn.  And you want to own this mess because you think we're on the right track?

What about the Republicans holding the country's recovery hostage?  What about that?

But Wasserman Schultz came to the defense of two potential GOP rivals, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, saying it is unfair for the media to portray them as pitted against each other simply because they are both women.

“Even though I don’t agree with either Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann on virtually anything,” she said, to laughter from the audience, “I do think the unique scrutiny … because of their gender” and “highlighting the potential conflict between them” is a product of the media’s desire for juicy storylines. “I think it’s inappropriate.”

Arguing strongly for increasing representation of women in elected office, she said that while progress has been made, “The good ol’ boys’ system is alive and well.”

Awesome. Way to pick a side and back the President, Debbie.

Sure, Politico is picking a fight here and most likely taking her out of context.  But as media-savvy as she supposedly is, she sure is putting a lot of juicy fat fastball right over the plate for the Politico crew to swing at.

So far I am largely unimpressed with her term, to the point where I'm revisiting my assumption that Tim Kaine would have done a worse job.

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