Friday, June 17, 2011

Last Call

Taylor Marsh argues that Michele Bachmann is a real threat to Obama in 2012, because she's friendly and empathetic.  Yes, the Bachmanniac is friendly and feels your pain.

Mrs. Bachmann is touching on a real problem for Pres. Obama, which is he just doesn’t connect emotionally and it is his style, but it manifests in the feeling that he doesn’t seem to get what’s going on with people. His recent interview with Ann Curry I highlighted that sounded like he wanted a second term for the sake of it is another part of this problem.

Marsh's proof of this?  Why the words of Karl Rove and John Hindraker, of course.

Going against your type is the strongest counterweight to reveal depth of purpose, if not character. This is the most interesting move from Bachmann, revealing her camp not only gets it’s the economy that is the Right’s best weapon, but that the human element of tapping into the emotions driving how people feel about the economy is something she and her team gets, too.

There are a lot of women out there in Republican primary land who are sick to death of the men running their party. The boys’ club better take Hinderaker’s advice to start paying attention. 

Bachmann's policies of course are besides the point.  It's all about touchy-feely stuff, and Americans just aren't smart enough to handle policy positions.  So once again we're back to cold, unfeeling, overly intellectual Obama (or the GOP equivalent of cold, unfeeling, incredibly stupid Obama) and policies don't matter a damn.

Yes, we're to the point where" progressives" are asking why Obama can't be more like Michele Bachmann.  Awesome.

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