Sunday, June 26, 2011

Still On The Wrong Side Of History

Reaction to New York's same-sex marriage law has been slowly coming in from the 2012 Clown Car Candidates, and on the Sunday shows today the differing reactions of two of those hopefuls are notable.  First, GOP Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey vowed once again that any measure similar to New York's would immediately meet his veto pen.

"In our state we're going to continue to pursue civil unions. I am not a fan of same sex marriage. It's not something that I support. I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. That's my view. And-- and that'll be the view of our state because I wouldn't sign a bill like the one that was in New York."

On the other hand, Michele Bachmann seems to have the opposite reaction...on the surface.

BACHMANN: In New York state, they have passed the law at the state legislative level and, under the 10th amendment, the states have the right to set the laws that they want to set.
WALLACE: So even though you oppose it, then its ok from — your point of view — for New York to say that same-sex marriage is legal.
BACHMANN: That is up to the people of New York. I think that it’s best to allow the people to decide on this issue. I think it’s best if there is an amendment that goes on the ballot, where people can weigh in. [...]
WALLACE: But you would agree, if its passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor then that’s the state’s position.
BACHMANN: It’s state law. And the 10th amendment reserves to the states that right.

 Now that's interesting, but before we start in with the "ZOMG Bachmann is better on gay rights than Obama!" idiocy, let's note she's punting here, and she freely admits here that she would much rather see A) a US Constitutional amendment that outlaws gay marriage for the entire country, and B) State constitutional amendments that ban it by popular vote.

All she is saying here is that she respects New York's state same-sex marriage law...right up until the second it's overridden by a federal constitutional amendment.  Clever move on her part, but completely transparent.  Let's not kid ourselves here:  Republicans still want to eliminate gay marriage and other gay rights, and no amount of tenther punting will cover that up.

She's still homophobic as Chris Christie and the rest of the GOP crazies, period.

PS, LA Times has a very interesting piece on an old story that, now that Bachmann is in the race, the Villagers are starting to pay attention to:  our "fiscal conservative" Tea Party Michele sure loves her federal farm subsidies, to the tune of a cool quarter of a million dollars.

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