Thursday, July 21, 2011

DOMA: You Keep Using That Word...

I do not think it means what you think it means.  You can read the full article, I am going to hit the highlights below.  I'd like to know how defending a word can possibly mean denying rights to everyone else.  The only greater misnomer is the Patriot Act.

(CNN) -- Ron Wallen met the person that he says completed his life in 1953.
At 19, he met his match in 23-year-old Tom Carrollo. The pair spent the next 58 years together. On June 24, 2008, they were able to marry when California for a short time legalized and then began performing same-sex marriage ceremonies.
Wallen, now 77, shared his story and his struggle with the Defense of Marriage Act in a congressional hearing Wednesday in which he and others asked lawmakers to pass the Respect for Marriage Act.

DOMA exists only to block rights for people, it isn't intended to defend anything.  Those who believe in traditional marriage are free to practice it, but instead of allowing other people to declare they are married and share benefits, the holier than thous are reduced to semantics (but check out, they have caught up to the times).  Religious freedom exists as long as you believe what they tell you to.  

Or of course there is the tried and true ridiculous accusations:

King called marriage a "sacred, cornerstone of our society" and said opening it up to change could lead to "polygamist relationships, incestuous relationships."

Because two adults of the same gender can't possibly love each other without falling under the spell of Satan and having sex with their relatives.  If you're rural and gay, I'm sure barnyard animals would be at an increased risk.  What a load of crap.

If you live together for decades, laugh and cry and fight, you are a spouse.  Period.  There is no danger to society if we allow gays to marry.  All that would happen is the jackasses who are used to getting their way don't get to tell others how to live.  God forbid, pun intended.

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