Friday, July 29, 2011

For Want Of A State Senator, A Battle Was Lost

North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue is in a situation very much akin to the one President Obama is in currently: a Democratic executive trying to fight off the Tea Party GOP hordes.  She lost her veto battle with the state's budget which means Planned Parenthood funding is gone and the state's education budget was ransacked.  Now, by one vote, Republicans have overruled her veto on strict new anti-choice laws that will leave thousands of women at risk.

Women must obtain ultrasounds, state-mandated counseling, and wait 24 hours before abortions under new requirements the state approved today.

The state Senate voted 29-19 to cancel Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of a bill that seeks to limit abortions.
The House voted to override earlier this week, so the measure becomes law.
Democrats said the measure interferes in decisions between women and their doctors. Republicans said the requirements make sure women have more information.

Sen. Stan Bingham, a Republican who voted against the bill in June, left the building before the override vote

So by walking out, Bingham allowed his Republican buddies to override the veto and continue the Tea Party idiocy in my home state, because women are too stupid and emotionally immature to make decisions about their body, they have to have a waiting period to cool off their flighty girl brains, they have to be counseled against the procedure because they're too stupid to know better, and have to be shown an ultrasound to shame them out of it.

The same party that believes the lack of choice in the type of light bulb you buy is "government interference" hill to die on absolutely wants the government to interfere as much as possible in a woman's reproductive choices.  What a lovely bunch of assclowns.

So add North Carolina to the list of states being sucked under in the Tea Party tide.  Hey voters, you can do something about this in 2012, just so you know.

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