Saturday, July 23, 2011

Google+ Revisited

Google+ is growing rapidly.  The feedback is mostly good, with a harsh review of the Android app leading the list of requested improvements.  I have hung out and talked with groups, and I love the clean interface.  Every function works well with a Linux system, which gave me hope.  Despite the review regarding the app, I actually like it.  There is plenty of room to grow but it is functional and I haven't encountered any bugs.

Hanging out was awesome, I've had a couple of chats and done some practicing with a fellow musician who likes to tinker.  The sound quality was better than expected.  With a little development it could hit Facebook where it hurts, as a cornerstone of everyday communication.  I am expecting to see some Gmail and Google Talk integration.  That would make Google+ a place to maintain your account while socializing, something that encourages time spent right where they want you.

I've seen several of you on there.  What do you think?  What do you think would improve it?  I'm pretty happy just how it is, my only real concerns are continued privacy and the effect of the mainstream flood that is to come.  Uploading the pictures is convenient for me, and the local chat is cool.  I ended up chatting a bit about some local events and it was interesting.

This could be the beginning of something good.  A lot of curious people will come in, how many stick around is what will matter.  There will be enough people who just don't like Facebook to give a boost to build a foundation of members.  The friend control and web sharing is the best I've ever seen.  This is enough to blow away Skype if the chips fall just right.  Google Voice development and enough members could let them truly dominate the social networking by making it home, business and everything in between.

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