Monday, July 4, 2011

No Dealing On The Debt Ceiling, Part 26

Just in case you still thought there was going to be some sort of last-minute deal that prevents the US from defaulting, my senator, Rand Paul, just decided he's now President and is dictating the terms of America's surrender to the Tea Party.  Chuck Johnson spots him on C-Span:

On Newsmakers, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said he will hold up the Senate’s business next week to force a debate on the debt limit. The Senate canceled its Fourth of July break to ensure discussions on raising the debt ceiling continues, but most of the discussions are happening behind the scenes.
Senator Paul said on Newsmakers that he “will filibuster until we talk about the debt ceiling.” He said the full Senate, instead of a small group of Senators, needs to engage in debate. He also said he and a group of conservative members would support raising the debt ceiling on one condition: “We will vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling if we can, but it will be contingent on passing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. “

So Rand Paul will block any other Senate action other than the debt ceiling, and he's making it clear that only a balance budget amendment to the Constitution is his price.  Johnson argues that the balance budget amendment is a smokescreen for forcing Obama to sign into effect the end of Planned Parenthood and other culture war stupidity, but I think Rand Paul actually wants that amendment.  He's that nuts, trust me.

And yes, Rand Paul is more than willing to destroy America's credit rating and economy otherwise.  He is a fanatic.

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