Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Out of Context Theatre: Overheard From A Stranger

"Seriously, if they don't believe in our God then they shouldn't even be in this country.  We just need to get someone who knows what is best for people to run this country.  If people don't know what's best for them then somebody needs to tell them."

I kid you not.  That's a quote seared into my memory from a complete stranger I overheard today.  I wasn't trying to listen, she broadcast her opinions quite loudly.  It's hard to comprehend that so little respect is given for people who think differently.  There is no understanding that government is meant to represent the people, not instruct them on how to live so that the righteous are pleased.  On a national scale there seems to be no respect for an intellectual exchange of opposing opinions anymore, and this woman seemed to capture exactly what bothers me so much about the current political climate.  It's about winning, not doing the right thing.  And when it comes to the future of millions of people, doing the right thing for the greater good has to come first.  Sure, that seems like an understatement but only because it's so fundamentally necessary for the political machine to work as intended.

What happens if our nation as a whole becomes so shallow that the elections become like the Academy Awards?  I'm looking at the circus of stupidity that is winning headlines while the country rots from the inside out and I want to scream.  We have a long way to dig ourselves out of this hole and we are still going in the wrong direction.  I'm really starting to worry.

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