Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Return Of The Return Of The Maverick

After basically completely legitimizing the Tea Party with his selection of Sarah Palin as his VP and winning re-election in 2010 running as an anti-immigration right-wing ideologue, the old Sensible Village Centrist John McCain that the Village knows and loves is back as he throws the Tea Party monster he helped to create under the bus so fast it might land behind it.

The fiery, independent version of the Republican senator from Arizona took to the floor of the Senate Wednesday morning. Demanding “straight talk,” Mr. McCain accused conservatives of abandoning reason by opposing the House Republican leader’s plan to resolve the debt crisis.

Mr. McCain mocked Tea Party-allied Republicans in the House for believing — wrongly, he said — that President Obama and Democrats will get the blame for a default if Republicans refuse to increase the nation’s debt ceiling.

By that flawed logic, “Democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and reform entitlements and the Tea Party Hobbits could return to Middle Earth,” he said, quoting a Wall Street Journal editorial.

“This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into G.O.P. nominees,” he jeered, referring to two losing Tea Party candidates for the Senate in 2010.

Mr. McCain’s comments recall the visage of the senator prior to the 2008 presidential campaign against President Obama, when Mr. McCain eventually abandoned his “straight talk” mantra and ran as a more conventional conservative. And during Mr. McCain’s reelection campaign in 2010, he downplayed the “maverick” label that he had long proudly worn in the Senate.

But on Wednesday morning, it looked like the maverick had returned.

The question is now of course is did John McCain turn on the Tea Party because he anticipated the political expediency to the Village of doing so, or did McCain's 180 itself now create the attitude that it's fashionable to bash the Tea Party in the Village press?

The Straight Talk express can corner like it's on rails, people.  And the Village loves him for it.  They'll deny even more than McCain does that they ever supported the wacko wing of the GOP.

Until they need to go after President Obama again.

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