Monday, August 15, 2011

The Face Of Misery

This is what death looks like.  While we squabble and most of us enjoy cool air, this is what others wake up to every day, without escape:

In the last 90 days 29,000 children under the age of five have died from starvation.  Miserable months eating just enough to stay alive, but not enough to feel good or like you ever have had enough.  Many of those children died without ever once feeling full or the luxury of a piece of fruit.  Cold milk doesn't exist for them.  There is no WIC or government help.  They are on their own, and another 640,000 kids are in the same boat.  We must help them.

Not only should we help them, but we should apply the lesson that is so clear.  We still have it good.  People are whining and the government is self-destructing, but most Americans have food to eat or a way to help if they got creative.  Some may be hungry but most have known decent meals throughout the years, and comforts like medicine and can expect a level of decency from fellow citizens.  We have air-conditioning and hair dryers.  There are billions of people who live and die without knowing any of the comforts we enjoy on a daily basis.  While we worry about Obamacare and how our elderly will be able to afford basic cable, billions die and suffer without ever seeing a doctor and 30 is old.

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